Inspiration – 2011 Sisters Quilt Show « Sue Spargo

Sue Spargo posted this lovely quilt last July, but I was struck by the quilting today while browsing for inspiration. Click on the picture below to go to the original post – then click on her picture for an enlargement – it’s the second to last quilt in her post. And if you click on the quilt picture one more time, it will enlarge further, so you can see how each square was quilted.

inspirational quilting

via Saturday Sisters Quilt Show « Sue Spargo.

Wonky Triangles

I’m not sure if Claudia started with the background or a focus, but I do know she was drawn to wonky triangles because it was so different looking. Green Moda Grunge background is the perfect complement to the prints. The book’s instructions were easy to follow, but I know more than one person didn’t keep track of her rectangles’ positions, which made it a mini-challenge to sew them back together. A couple of people played outside the box with mini triangles or ginormous ones making the squares a lot of fun. The variety of sizes keeps it interesting and modern. The picture is a collage of the blocks she received.

Five cuts minimum

Nancy’s direction for her block was “Five cuts minimum”. That’s it. Nothing else. Oh, she did have an inspirational photo, which inspired me, but everyone else took off on their own tangent. Five different strips and one large rectangle of a beautiful floral – five cuts at least – go to town. Oh, and we could add fabric if so moved.

The return: everything from traditional pieced to wonky, from sashiko to raw edge appliqué. And this is what she’s done so far:

She basted and started free motion quilting in the upper left corner. Go Nancy! I’m looking forward to seeing it finished.